South Indian actress Keerthy Suresh made her Bollywood debut with Varun Dhawan starrer Baby John, directed by Kalees is the official adaptation of Atlee’s Tamil hit Theri starring Thalapathy Vijay. Keerthy received immense love and praise for her performance in the film. Keerthy’s role in Baby John was originally portrayed by Samantha Ruth Prabhu in the Tamil version. Keerthy shares a deep and close bond with Samantha.
During a recent interaction with Galatta India, Keerthy spoke about Samantha playing an important role in her casting for Baby John. ‘She probably had me in mind when this was happening; that’s what Varun (Dhawan) also told me. I can’t be grateful enough for that. It’s so sweet of her to say, ‘Keerthy will be able to pull off this character,’ said Keerthy. She also said that Samantha‘s performance in Theri was one of her favourites in Tamil films as she said, ‘Honestly, I was very scared’.
Keerthy recalled Samantha’s heartfelt gesture of support during her debut in Baby John. Samantha shared an Instagram stroy as she prasied Keerthy’s portrayal and said, ‘I wouldn’t have shared this one with anyone else, but you.’ Keerthy and Samantha worked together in Nag Ashwin’s Mahanati.
Well, Baby John earned approximately Rs 30 crores in theatres and was released on December 25.
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