KGF actor Yash is all set to turn 39 next year. The actor will be celebrating his birthday in January. However, the actor wants his fans to not go overboard or plan any grand gestures on his birthday. The South Korean superstar took to his social media pages to post the message for his friends in Kannada and in English. He also mentioned some ‘unfortunate incidents’ as the reason to avoid such big celebrations.
Yash’s message for his fans
On his social media, KGF 2 star Yash wrote, “My Dearest Well-wishers, as the new year dawns, it’s a time for reflection, resolutions, and charting a new course. The love you all have showered on me over the years has been nothing short of phenomenal. But, there have been some unfortunate incidents too. It’s time for us to change our language of love, especially when it comes to the celebration of my birthday. The expression of your love should not be in grand gestures and gatherings. The greatest gift for me is knowing you are safe, setting positive examples, achieving your goals, and spreading joy.”
Further in this entertainment news, the Kannada star wrote, “I will be busy shooting and will not be in town on my birthday. However, the warmth of your wishes will always reach me and be my constant companion, fueling my spirit and inspiring me. Stay safe, and I wish you all a very happy 2025. Love, YASH.”
In the reply section, fans have reacted to Yash’s post. One person wrote, “Dear Yash,
Thank you for your heartfelt message! Your safety and happiness mean everything to us. Even from afar, we will celebrate your birthday with warm wishes. Wishing you all the best during your shoot! With love and respect.” Another person wrote, “Wow..What Fans need to understand that their personal life matters more.
All heroes Stress to their fans always.Their life is imp.
Watch the movies,enjoy.
Rewatch if u like it.
That’s all fans..Go to your home. Be a responsible member of your family
Your hero will be very happy.”
Check out the post:
— Yash (@TheNameIsYash) December 30, 2024
On the work front, Yash will be next seen in the movie Toxic. Directed by Geethu Mohandas, it will hit theatres on April 10, 2025. The actor also has KGF 3 and Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana in the line-up. In Tiwari’s film, the actor will portray Ravana.
Stay tuned to BollywoodLife for the latest scoops and updates from Bollywood, Hollywood, South, TV and Web-Series.
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