Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat are officially married now. The actress took to her Instagram and shared her wedding pictures with the Fukrey actor and they never looked so happy. Kriti looked like a super stunning bride in a pink lehenga and Pulkit was one handsome groom in a mint green sherwani. Kriti shared multiple pictures from her wedding with Pulkit and wrote, “From the deep blue sky, To the morning dew. Through the low and the high, It’s only you. From the start to the end, In every now and every then, When my heart beats different, It’s got to be you. Constantly, Consistently, Continually, You! Fans shower the love and congratulations to the newlywed and indeed they look so good with each other.”
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Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat’s wedding pictures are pure bliss
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