The year 2024 has been a great year for Bollywood. With films like Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya and Crew, the film industry is going at its peak. Actor Kriti Sanon‘s two films which are running on the theatres together, is one of the primary factors of the change in the box office records of 2024. Both of are films are running in the theatres successfully and it’s quite evident that people love Kriti Sanon for the versatile roles she plays.
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Kriti’s Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya wins hearts
Kriti’s Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya which also stars Shahid Kapoor, released on 9th February 2024 which collected $313k and no wonder the film completed 50 glorious day in a nick of time. The key factor of the movie is Kriti’s performance as Sifra. For the first time Bollywood witnessed a concept of a Humanoid Robot and Kriti just gave a justice to that role being the first robot girl of Bollywood. Her sense of humour and the impeccable screen presence is bringing audience to the theatres.
Kriti’s recent film Crew is shattering records
Kriti Sanon is also shattering records with her recently released film Crew which has Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tabu. The film has collected 2.6 million dollars in America which is the record breaking collection of the year as well as for her film. Kriti’s role as a cabin crew is being loved by the audience and the way she has learnt the art of being a cabin crew is really something big for which she needs to be praised for. Inspite of Kareena and Tabu’s presence, Kriti took the climax single handed, making the movie more impactful.
Watch this video of the public reaction to the Crew movie here:
Kriti Sanon has won the hearts of the audiences with her recent releases and its no doubt that fans cannot wait for the actresses debut as a producer with Do Patti.
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