Indian cricket fans on social media have gone crazy as Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s new haircut has been revealed in public. Popular hair stylist Aalim Hakim shared a few pictures of MS Dhoni‘s latest cut on Instagram, with the post drawing over 50,000 likes in the first hour. Dhoni’s long hairstyle, which he donned during IPL 2024, has made way for a shorter but more wavy version. The Chennai Super Kings star keeps his profile low outside of the IPL, but this has given MS Dhoni fans a chance to stay up to date with their idol.
“Our Young, Dynamic and Handsome Mahendra Singh Dhoni,” wrote Aalim Hakim in the caption to the post.
“It’s a pure joy to cut and style our Thala’s hair and he is always courteous enough to let me click his pictures,” wrote Hakim.
Dhoni is fondly nicknamed ‘Thala’ by Chennai Super Kings fans, which translates to “leader” in Tamil.
After IPL 2024, fans have not had much of a glimpse of the former India captain. However, this cut comes a couple of weeks after a video of Dhoni relaxing in his farmhouse in Ranchi had gone viral.
In that video, Dhoni was still donning his long hairstyle. However, this time, India’s iconic No. 7 is flaunting a shorter cut, styling it with different shades of brown.
Fans of Dhoni are still hoping for him to play again in IPL 2025. Having given up captaincy to Ruturaj Gaikwad, and with a mega auction on the way, it is unsure whether Dhoni would carry on playing.
However, if his form is anything to go by, Dhoni should certainly keep playing. In IPL 2024, Dhoni scored 161 runs at a strike rate of 220, usually coming in to bat at a lowly no. 8.
Presently, Team India are looking to win the 2024 T20 World Cup, which was first won by Dhoni in 2007 with a young India unit.
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