Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are celebrating two years in their marriage, the couple got married on April 14, 2022, and are blessed with a beloved daughter Raha Kapoor who is one year old. Today’s day marks extremely special for the Kapoors as their bahu had entered the house. Neetu Kapoor who looked the happiest in her son’s wearing has showered all the love on her beta-bahu as they complete two years of their marriage. Neetu Kapoor took to her Instagram stories and shared the wedding festivities picture of Alia and Ranbir and shared all hearts emoticons and wrote blessings.
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Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are the most loved couple in tinsel town and they eagerly want to know how the couple are celebrating this special day.
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are both head over heels in love with each other
Ranbir Kapoor is changed and a much better person after marrying Alia Bhatt and he has confessed that he is very much possessive of Alia Bhatt and wants to know where is she if he is around in the house. He said in his interview that he doesn’t go to the bathroom or even eat if he doesn’t know where is Alia Bhatt.
Alia Bhatt calls Ranbir Kapoor the best husband and father
Alia Bhatt married the man of her life and she calls her blessed to have him as she says he is the most sensitive person she has ever met in her life. On that note, we wish the couple a very happy married life and a lifetime of togetherness.
When Alia Bhatt showered love on hubby Ranbir Kapoor after the success of Animal
Watch the video of Raha Kapoor with mom Alia Bhatt
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