Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma first met on the sets of the television show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. The duo started off as great friends and eventually married each other in the year 2021. The couple also appeared last year on the Salman Khan-hosted show Bigg Boss 17. While the couple did have their own share of disagreements, viewers hailed Neil Bhatt as the greatest support. It was often seen how Neil always used to handle Aishwarya, who often used to lose her temper. In fact, when Salman used to call out Aishwarya for her behaviour, Neil always used to defend his wife. Now, in another recent revelation, it is now safe to say that Neil is not just a green flag but the whole Amazon forest.
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Neil Bhatt’s reason to reject wife Aishwarya Sharma’s first love proposal is too adorable
Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma recently appeared on the YouTube show Couple of Things, hosted by actress Amrita Rao and her husband RJ Anmol. While the entire episode was fun, emotional, and filled with a lot of love, one specific conversation caught everyone’s attention. During the conversation, Aishwarya revealed how Neil was always aware of the difficult relationships she had gone through and how he always showed concern.
Aishwarya stated that she somewhere understood that they had become more than friends, but she was irked because Neil never openly admitted that he loved her or wanted to be in a relationship. Aishwarya recalls that out of frustration, one day she called Neil and poured her feelings towards him, telling him how much she loved him. However, Neil clearly stated that right now he just wants to focus on his career and doesn’t want to think about anything else.
Explaining why he rejected Aishwarya’s first love proposal, the actor said that when he joined Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, he was struggling financially and first wanted to be financially stable. He mentioned that back then he only had 80,000 in his account and with just mere savings, he couldn’t think of getting married. Neil further states that he didn’t want to have any fling with Aishwarya and always wanted to marry her. Hence, once he felt that his financial situation was now in a good place, he asked Aishwarya to marry him, and as they say, the rest is beautiful history.
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