South star Sai Pallavi is gearing up to play the role of Sita in Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious project Ramayana. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram. Recently, Sunny Deol also confirmed that he is a part of the film. He is going to be seen in the role of Lord Hanuman. Talking about Sai Pallavi, the actress will be seen alongside Ranbir as Maa Sita and some of the pictures revealing their looks had also gone viral. A lot of rumours and reports regarding the film are doing the rounds on the internet.
One of the recent rumour about Sai Pallavi was that the actress has given up on non-veg food and has turned vegetarian for Ramayana. A Tamil daily also suggested that the actress travels with a team of cooks on trips who make vegetarian food for her. However, Sai Pallavi has now made an angry post on social media slamming all the rumours around her. On X (formerly known as Twitter), Sai Pallavi wrote a harsh note stating that she generally stays quite over the baseless rumours and but it is high-time that she reacts. She added that it keeps happening consistently and especially around the time of film releases and announcements. She warned media outlets of strict action if more ‘cooked up crappy story’ are published. Her post is viral in entertainment news.
Check out Sai Pallavi’s post below:
Most of the times, Almost every-time, I choose to stay silent whenever I see baseless rumours/ fabricated lies/ incorrect statements being spread with or without motives(God knows) but it’s high-time that I react as it keeps happening consistently and doesn’t seem to cease;… https://t.co/XXKcpyUbEC
— Sai Pallavi (@Sai_Pallavi92) December 11, 2024
Sai Pallavi was recently seen in Amaran. She played the role of Indhu in the film. Sivakarthikeyan played the male lead in this biographical drama. Both the stars received great appreciation for their natural acting. Next she is going be seen in Thandel along with Naga Chaitanya.
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