Nia Sharma has impressed people with her performances on shows like Jamai Raja and Ek Hazaaron Main Meri Behna Hai. The actress has had a long career, wherein she has dabbled in the TV and OTT space. Nia Sharma was last seen on TV in Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10. Now, reports have come that she is going to play the title show in a new supernatural show on Colors. The name of the show is going to be Suhaagan Chudail. Yes, you read that right! Nia Sharma has confirmed that she is indeed going to be seen on TV soon.
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Nia Sharma’s show on the lines of Pisachini
It seems the show is about a woman who has to save her husband who is trapped by a chudail (witch). It revolves around three main characters. A source told Etimes that Nia Sharma has given her nod to the project, and having her on board is a huge asset. It seems they are yet to lock in the main male lead and other actress. The shoot will start as soon as the finalize the rest of the cast members. The plot sounds very similar to Pisachini and Nazar.
Netizens react with hilarity to the title of Suhaagan Chudail
The name of the expected show has amused people. We have seen shows with unusual names but this sounds hilarious. Take a look at some of the reactions…
Suhaagan Chudail??? ??
— ?. (@shinysparklesz) April 4, 2024
Suhagan what???
— Trish Era (@itsmekrits) April 4, 2024
Colors tv must be revamped. Yeh kya title rakha hein?
— subhashyaam (@subhashyaam) April 4, 2024
Even chudail can’t be single on tv!! Very forward!
— krishh nair (@krish___nair) April 4, 2024
i can’t breathe lmaoooo? sUhAgAn cHuDaiLLL
— dirigible plums? (@felixfelicis07) April 4, 2024
The last soap Nia Sharma did was Naagin 4 that tanked badly. The lady moved onto reality shows and did a number of music videos. She said she had been busy with them in the past two years.
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