Bollywood actress Nimrat Kaur is currently in the news amid rumors of her affair with Abhishek Bachchan. The actress was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport and was seen posing for the paparazzi. Amid all this one cameraperson, by mistake, pushed an elderly lady in order to get a perfect shot. Nimrat apologized to the woman and also schooled the paps for his action. Nimrat was quite upset with the entire incident and was seen telling paps to ‘take it easy’ as they waited to click her picture. The video is going viral on the social media wherein fans are praising Nimrat for her gesture.
One user wrote, ‘That is a sweet gesture’, another commented saying, ‘That’s soo sweet of her to confront that woman and apologize’. ‘Feeling happy’, said a user. Another comment read, ‘That’s so sweet of her to confront a woman and apologise’. This video of Nimrat shows how the diva loves to keep things real.
A look at Nimrat Kaur’s video
Nimrat looked stunning in a black top with a deep, plunging neckline, and a long coat. She has surely upped her style game and how! She was seen carrying a brown coffee bag and accessorized her look with black glasses and minimal jewellery. She had a subtle make-up and kept her tresses open. The actress shared a sneak peek of her trip on Instagram and asked her followers, ‘Where am I off to???’. Nimrat shared another beautiful picture from her window seat and wrote, ‘Yesss most of you guessed right!!! Back to my birthland’.
On the work front, Nimrat was last seen as Inspector Bela Barot in the 2023 film Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video. She also has Sky Force, and Section 84 in her kitty.
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