Vicky Kaushal is gearing up for his next Chhava. The actor recently got injured but bounced back into action. He also seems to have something up his sleeve, a movie announcement with Dharma Productions also featuring Animal star Triptii Dimri and Punjabi star Ammy Virk. Amid all the happening news on his professional front, Vicky Kaushal is also making headlines for his personal life, that is with his family and his actress wife Katrina Kaif. Katrina has quickly climbed the popularity chart in the Kaushal family. Not just her mother-in-law, she has also impressed her father-in-law with her gesture.
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Sham Kaushal gushes about bahu Katrina Kaif
In a recent interaction with The Week, Sham Kaushal talks about the arrival of his bahu, Katrina and says she has brought nothing but joy into their lives. They always wanted a daughter and their wish was fulfilled after Katrina married Vicky. The action director shares that Katrina Kaif also tries to speak in Punjabi. However, he admits that she understands it perfectly.
Katrina has also impressed him with her eating habits. Just like Vicky Kaushal‘s mother Veena Kaushal, Sham Kaushal also expressed his amusement about the vegetables that they started eating after Katrina came into their lives. Moreover, the father-in-law says that whenever people ask him how they should introduce him, he says not as an action director but as the father of Vicky and Sunny and as the father-in-law of Katrina. Isn’t that cute?
Watch this video of Katrina Kaif here:
Vicky talks about Katrina Kaif’s eating habits
In a recent interview, Vicky talked about how Katrina is more vegetarian than him. He shares that Katrina really enjoys simple food and would rarely break into Chhole bhature but he is always up for the latter. Vicky says that his mother is the happiest whenever Katrina is at home as she then cooks all kinds of veggies which she wants her boys to eat such as “Tinde, beans, turai” to name a few. The mother-in-law gushes about her bahu who eats everything.
Vicky also talked about how his and Katrina’s core family principles are just same despite their language and background differences. He also gushed about Katrina’s struggle and rise in the industry and how she achieved it all through her hard work.
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