Salman Khan is currently ruling the headlines because of a shocking incident that took place outside his home – Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai. On Sunday, two gunmen reportedly fired four rounds of gunshots outside his house. Despite the beefed up security, the incident took place and shocked all. The police is investigating and a lot of politicians have already paid a visit to Salman Khan. The video of the two gunmen and first photo revealing their faces also went viral on the web. A latest report suggests that one of them is a wanted criminal.
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As per a report in India Today, one of the two gunmen is identified as Vishal Rahul. He is a wanted criminal from Haryana’s Gurugram and has almost five criminal cases against him. He is said to be a shooter of Rohit Godara and is associated with Lawrence Bishnoi gang. The report further states that he was involved in the killing of a bookie from a Rohtak under the guidance of Lawrence Bishnoi.
Reportedly, after the incident, Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother Amol Bishnoi took the responsibility of the same. On social media, a message was shared stating that they want peace but if the decision against oppression is war then be it. The message also stated that the firing outside the house is just a trailer and next time the shots won’t be fired outside the house. He termed the incident as ‘first and last warning’.
Here’s a video over Salman Khan‘s security
Salman Khan’s father Salim Khan has reacted to the incident. In conversation with CNN News18, Salim Khan mentioned that there is nothing to worry. Reacting to the incident, he said that the shooters simply wanted some publicity. In fact, a few reports also suggested that Salim Khan went for his usual morning walk a few hours after the incident took place. Salman Khan’s brothers Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan were papped outside Galaxy Apartments paying a visit. Baba Siddiqui and his son, politician Raj Thackeray and many more also paid a visit to Salman Khan at his residence.
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