South film Spirit, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga and featuring Prabhas, is touted to be one of the most promising upcoming films. Following the unprecedented box office performance of Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal , expectations for Spirit have automatically skyrocketed. The fact that Prabhas and Vanga are collaborating for the first time on the big screen has certainly left fans extremely excited. Sandeep in a recent interveiw has also hinted indirectly that the Prabhas-starrer has the potential to break box office collection records set by Shah Rukh Khan‘s Jawan and Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal. Here’s what he said.
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Prabhas’ Spirit to break box office collection records of Jawan, Animal?
In an interview with Galatta Plus, Sandeep Reddy Vanga talked about Spirit, his upcoming South Indian film with Prabhas. Sandeep stated that the film has all the ingredients to be a blockbuster if it hits the right chords. The Animal director mentioned that if everything, like the trailer, teasers, pre-release songs, basically all the things which filmmakers release before the film’s release to grab attention, if everything works well, Spirit can easily make 150 crore on the opening day itself.
For those unaware, the box office collections of Shah Rukh Khan‘s Jawan and Ranbir Kapoor‘s Animal till now are considered massive. While Animal collected a whopping amount of 116 worldwide on Day 1, Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan collected 129 crore worldwide. With Vanga confidently stating that Prabhas-starrer’s box office collection on Day 1 can easily reach 150 crore, it means that the Spirit certainly has the potential to break box office collection records set by both the Bollywood films.
In the same interview, Vanga was also asked about the massive budget of Spirit. The Kabir Singh director stated that he is confident that the budget will be recovered by the film’s digital and satellite rights revenue as his collaboration with Prabhas has already grabbed many eyeballs.
Talking about Spirit, the shoot of the film will commence around November or December of this year. According to various reports, Prabhas will play the role of an honest police officer.
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