Priyanka Chopra is in India with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie. She has been enjoying her time in the country with her family. The actress has been in the news ever since she shared pictures of her visit to Ram Mandir, Ayodhya. Nick Jonas and Malti Marie were also with her and took blessings of Lord Ram. Their pictures went viral and fans could not stop praising Priyanka for the way she has always kept her country, culture on top and as always shown respect for all the religions. She truly represents India proudly and this is something we should learn from the diva.
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Priyanka shares new pictures from her Holi party in India
The actress is in India and is having a great time with her big Chopra family. It was Holi yesterday and we saw how Priyanka, Nick and Malti Marie celebrated the festival of colours with family in India. The pictures from the party had gone viral and we saw Priyanka enjoying with Siddharth Chopra, Mannara Chopra, Mitali Handa and others.
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha were not present for the Holi bash but Priyanka and group had an amazing time. Priyanka shared a few more pictures on social media. She shared glimpse of how Nick enjoyed the day with her family and she also gave a glimpse of Mannara Chopra dancing to the beats of Punjabi dhol.
Sharing these pictures, Priyanka wrote, “Holi was lit. Thank you @tam2cul @sudeepdutt for creating such a warm atmosphere for our family! So much fun.”
Take a look at the post here:
Priyanka is in India for work and as per reports, she might also sign a new Bollywood movie. Many of us are eagerly waiting for Priyanka to be seen on the big-screen soon. Priyanka Chopra might do a period action film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
Watch a video of Priyanka and Nick here:
We have seen her working with the director in Bajirao Mastani where she played Kashibai in 2015.
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