Allu Arjun and his family have been going through a lot. The actor was enjoying the success of his film, Pushpa 2: The Rule but it was shortlived. The actor was arrested earlier today. For the unversed, the arrest happened in the Sandhya theatre, Hyderabad stampede incident. A woman lost her life in the stampede that happened in the theatre after Allu Arjun came there. For this incident, Allu Arjun was held responsible and he was arrested. He was remanded to 14 days of judicial custody. This news left everyone shocked and angry. The actor fans have gone crazy and have been showing their support for him through social media.
Allu Arjun to spend the night in jail
However, a few hours ago around 5 pm, Allu Arjun was granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court. He has been granted interim bail for a period of four weeks. This news brought happiness for all his fans. However, the actor has not yet been released. Yes, despite getting bail, he will have to spend this night in the jail because the bail order came late, as per the jail manual’s restriction on night time releases.
The Telangana police Additional DCP Task Force, Srinivas Rao has confirmed that the actor will be released tomorrow. He spoke to the media and said, “He (Allu Arjun) will be released tomorrow morning… I don’t know the reasons… He will be released tomorrow morning…”
Take a look at his video here:
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: On the release of actor Allu Arjun, Srinivas Rao, Additional DCP Task Force, says, “He (Allu Arjun) will be released tomorrow morning… I don’t know the reasons… He will be released tomorrow morning…” pic.twitter.com/9Rf1WclV1o
— ANI (@ANI) December 13, 2024
Well, we also came across videos where fans are really angry and have been waiting for the actor to be released. A video of Allu Arjun’s daughter Allu Arha also went viral where she is seen waiting for her father. Post this incident, we saw many stars supporting the Pushpa 2: The Rule actor. Rashmika Mandanna, Varun Dhawan, Nani, Vivek Oberoi, Chiranjeevi, Rana Daggubati, Pawan Kalyan, Kangana Ranaut, Ravi Kishan and others have shown their support for him.
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