The new promo of Bigg Boss 18 Weekend Ka Vaar shows Salman Khan asking some tough questions from the contestants. This week, the highlight of Bigg Boss 18 remained to be the connection between two friendship bonds. Eisha Singh-Avinash Mishra and Chum Darang-Karan Veer Mehra received major spotlight. In the upcoming episode of Weekend Ka Vaar with Salman Khan, the host is going to touch on these topics.
Salman Khan questions Avinash Mishra and Eisha Singh’s bond
In the promo of Bigg Boss 18, we see Salman Khan questioning Avinash Mishra and Eisha Singh about their equation. Salman says that everything is on TV and the flirtation, attraction between the two is seen by the friends. So why the hesitation? Avinash Mishra says that there is a soft corner for Eisha Singh but it is only as a friend. Eisha Singh sings the same tune saying that she likes him but only as a friend. Salman Khan asks her why does she give and demand so much of attention from Avinash? The host then also reveals, Eisha’s mother’s reaction to their bond. The actress’ mother’s feedback is that she has never seen Eisha being so close to a boy ever before. It has made headlines in entertainment news.
Watch Bigg Boss 18 promo below:
BIGG BOSS 18 PROMO #WeekendKaVaar : #SalmanKhan Ne Kiya #AvinashMishra, #EishaSingh, #ChumDarang, #KaranveerMehra ke Relationships Pe Sawaal.pic.twitter.com/HBY9rKiP6w
BiggBoss24x7 (@BB24x7_) December 13, 2024
Well, will this feedback by Eisha’s mother bring about a change in Eisha-Avinash’s equation? A lot of questions have been asked about their bond and it is also being highlighted either by Bigg Boss or Salman Khan. So will this change anything between Eisha and Avinash? Will they finally confess their feelings or will they distance themselves? Let’s wait and watch.
In today’s episode, we shall see Salman Khan questioning Karan Veer Mehra and Chum Darang too. To Karan, he will say that in many ways, he has expressed his feelings and despite having bonds, he is in denial. Chum will accept that he likes Karan but it is complicated.
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