Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announced their first pregnancy a couple of weeks ago. The news broke the internet and wishes started pouring in for the IT couple in Bollywood. Deepika and Ranveer have been taking it easy and slow, their appearances at media events have gone down after the start of this month. While Deepika will be on a maternity break to welcome her first child, there have been speculations about Ranveer Singh. Multiple movies are in the pipeline for both of them. And as per the latest reports, Ranveer will also take a break.
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Ranveer Singh to take a paternity break for Deepika Padukone and their firstborn?
Well, as per a report in TimesNowNews, a source says that Ranveer Singh too is planning on taking a long paternity break. It is said tha Deepika Padukone has already cleared off her schedule. She has slowly and gradually eased out of all her pending projects. She will then go on a long maternity break. However, Ranveer Singh had no such plans in place. Since his Baiju Bawra dates have been vacated, Ranveer has no other projects that are ready to begin production, as far as the report claims.
It is also said that Ranveer has decided not to take up any projects between Don 3, Shaktimaan and his next with Aditya Dhar. The films, it is said, will start rolling next year. And when they welcome the baby, he will be there to spend time with Deepika and their little one.
Watch this video of Deepika and Ranveer here:
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s pregnancy announcement and Jamnagar trip
It was just before Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s prewedding in Jamnagar, Gujarat, that the Bollywood couple announced that they are now expecting their first child together. The baby is due in September. For weeks before the announcement, Deepika made headlines for the pregnancy rumours. Her appearance at an international event in a saree worked as fuel to the fire. After the announcement, the duo flew to Jamnagar to celebrate with Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant. Ranveer’s video of gushing about becoming a father went viral from the functions.
Meanwhile, Don 3 will release on Amazon Prime Video after its theatrical release in 2025. Singh has replaced Shah Rukh Khan in this one. Ranveer is rumoured to be a part of Shaktimaan.
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