Bollywood’s power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are on the cloud nine these days. The two welcomed their daughter Dua Padukone Singh and are busy embracing parenthood. Recently, Dua turned three months old and the little one returned back to Mumbai with her mother Deepika who was in Bengaluru for a few months. Deepika and Dua were spotted at Mumbai airport as they returned from Bengaluru. Deepika was seen holding Dua in her arms. Dua Padukone Singh’s grandmother Anju Bhavnani celebrated her third month birthday with a special gesture.
Dadi Anju Bhavnani celebrates Dua’s third-month birthday
Ranveer Singh‘s mother and Deepika Padukone‘s mother-in-law Anju Bhavnani did a special thing on Dua’s third-month birthday. She donated her hair for a good cause and wrote, ‘Marking this special day with a gesture of love and hope. As we celebrate the joy and beauty of Dua growing up, we are also reminded of the power of goodness and kindness. Hoping that this small act might bring comfort and confidence to someone going through a difficult time’.
Take a look at Anju Bhavnani’s instagram story
This is so preciou , and a very thoughtful gesture ✨️?❤️
Love and happiness to the family ?❤️ https://t.co/fzLsth3iVu pic.twitter.com/YdecJGynbP
— Versatile Fan (@versatilefan) December 8, 2024
Ranveer’s mum, Dua’s grandmother donated her hair to celebrate Dua’s 3rd month in this world ❤️???
Such a sweet and thoughtful gesture. ? pic.twitter.com/bdUaSndiAV
— Ranveerians Worldwide ❤️ ✨08.09.24 ? (@RanveeriansFC) December 9, 2024
Within no time, fans melted seeing Dadi Anju’s special gesture towards Dua. They even lauded the gesture. Dua was born in September and her name announcement was done on Diwali, She is the first grandchild for both Padukone and Bhavnani families. Deepika and Ranveer purchased a home close to Shah Rukh Khan’s place in Bandra.
On the work front, Ranveer was in Punjab shooting for Aditya Dhar’s next. He also has Don 3 in his pipeline. While Deepika might resume work on Kalki 2898AD’s second part by mid-next year.
Stay tuned to BollywoodLife for the latest scoops and updates from Bollywood, Hollywood, South, TV and Web-Series.
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