Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is one of the top shows of Indian TV. Rohit Purohit has made a grand entry as the new Armaan Poddar. This happened after the makers sacked Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe from the show. Rohit Purohit has made an entry as Armaan Poddar with specs and fans are loving it. The actor made a nice dhamakedaar entry with the Holi sequence. The pics of the mock shoot where Rohit Purohit romanced Samridhii Shukla also got a thumbs up from the audience.
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Sheena Bajaj is all hearts for husband Rohit Purohit’s performance
Actress Sheena Bajaj cannot stop celebrating Rohit Purohit’s entry on Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. In the past, Rohit has delivered good performances consistently on many shows. But this is his big break. Sheena Bajaj shared a pic of nachos with cheese dips. It looks like the two had a small celebration for the first episode. Rohit Purohit and Samridhii Shukla’s chemistry looks hotter than what was between Shehzada Dhami and her. The actor has made a very seamless entry on the show.
New track of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
In the Holi track, we will see that the past of Armaan and Ruhi (Garvita Sadhwani) gets exposed in front of everyone. This will cause shock to the Poddar and Goenka’s families. In the mean time, Charu and Dev will cause more problems for everyone. The makers are planning a new promo where we will see that Abhira has a mental breakdown and panic attack. Then, Armaan will assume the role of a husband.
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