Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai fans have got a huge shock. An official statement has come from the production house of Rajan Shahi, Director’s Kut Productions that Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe are sacked from the show. He has terminated their contract. While Shehzada Dhami was terminated for his unprofessional behaviour with the crew and tantrums, it seems Pratiksha Honmukhe’s acting left the makers upset. They said that making a show is team work and everyone is expected to chip in with complete honesty. The production house said in the official statement that DKP maintains that no one is bigger than the show.
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Rohit Purohit to step in as replacement for Shehzada Dhami
The buzz is that actor Rohit Purohit might step in as a replacement for Shehzada Dhami. The 37-year-old actor has done quite a few shows in the past, and is known as a good actor. Fans will know him from shows like Porus, Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji, Udaariyaan and Dhadkan Zindagii Kii. He is married to actress Sheena Bajaj. This will be his first show with Rajan Shahi and Director’s Kut Productions.
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On the show, we were seeing how Abhira (Samriddhi Shukla) finally comes a heroine for the Poddar family as she saves Kaveri (Anita Raaj) from humiliation in the Court. It seems a huge twist will come during the festival of Holi. So far, Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe have not reacted to their exit from the show.
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