The Great Indian Kapil Show has grabbed everyone’s attention. The show began streaming on Netflix from March 30 and has been getting love. Everyone has been eagerly waiting for the show to begin as it was going to be the reunion of Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover after six years. Their jodi has a massive fan following and people wanted them to reunite. Apart from them, Kiku Sharda, Rajeev Thakur, Krushna Abhishek and Archana Puran Singh are also in the team. The first episode of the show was loved and it had Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni as the guest.
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They spoke a lot about Rishi Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and little Raha Kapoor. The episode was quite entertaining and we saw some amazing moments of the Kapoor family. Sunil Grover’s return to the show also added to the excitement. People loved him as Dafli in the show. The promo of the next episode also came out. Indian Cricket Team captain Rohit Sharma and Shreyas Iyer will be seen as the guests.
Rohit Sharma calls his teammates ‘Sust Murge’
The promo of the episode has gone viral and Rohit Sharma is seen revealing many things about his teammates. In the promo, we see a question and answer round happening. Kapil Sharma asked Rohit Sharma if he got angry on any of his teammates on-field.
Rohit said that sometimes he is left with no option because the boys act like ‘susth murge (lazy chickens)’. In the same episode we see Kapil Sharma entering as Navjot Singh Sidhu. Rohit and Shreyas also play a fun cricket game with the team of The Great Indian Kapil Show.
Watch this video of Sunil here:
Apart from the great team, fans have been missing Bharti Singh in the show. Bharti has always been with Kapil Sharma but she is not a part of the new show. The comedian had revealed that she is hosting Dance Deewane is busy with that but will join The Great Indian Kapil Show whenever she is called.
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