The Great Indian Kapil Show is now streaming on Netflix. The first guests in the episode that aired recently were Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. Yes, you read that right. They made several revelations about their families, Rishi Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Raha Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor’s wedding and more on The Great Indian Kapil Show. And during the show, Kapil asked Riddhima whether it was true about Salman Khan turning into a bartender at her wedding.
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Riddhima Kapoor Sahni confirms Salman Khan turning into a bartender at her wedding
It all began with Ranbir Kapoor revealing that Riddhima would have Salman Khan posters in her cupboard. When Ranbir brought out the topic of Salman, Kapil quizzed her about the rumours. Reacting to Kapil Sharma‘s question, Riddhima Kapoor quickly confirmed the rumour about Salman Khan turning into a bartender at her wedding. Neetu Kapoor prodded Riddhima to reveal the whole story. Neetu Kapoor herself then narrated the story of what happened when Salman Khan turned bartender at Riddhima’s wedding.
Neetu Kapoor reveals why Salman Khan turning into a bartender at Riddhima Kapoor Sahni’s wedding caused trouble
The actress shares that after Salman had turned bartender, the drinks quickly got over. Neetu Kapoor informed Rishi Kapoor about the same who could not believe it. He went to check what was happening. He revealed that he had no extra stock of liquor and was surprised to learn his stock was over. Neetu Kapoor revealed the real reason behind the same saying that since Salman was serving the liquor, the guests were throwing away their drinks to get another one from Salman. It soon caused chaos near the bar area. What a goofy night it would have been.
Watch the video of Neetu Kapoor sharing Salman Khan’s story here:
Ranbir Kapoor said Ridhima was a big Salman Khan fan and used to have his posters put up in her cupboard ?
And then Salman served drinks at her wedding causing a lot of frenzy amongst the guests who all wanted a drink offered by him?#RanbirKapoor ?#SalmanKhan #KapilSharma pic.twitter.com/NPNzwxdWkr
— Crown_Kapoor ?? (@Crown_Kapoor) April 1, 2024
Watch this video of Ranbir Kapoor here:
Why was Alia Bhatt not a part of The Great Indian Kapil Show?
Recently, reports surfaced revealing the reason why Alia Bhatt was not a part of Kapil Sharma, Sunil Grover and other comedian’s starrer show The Great Indian Kapil Show. As per a TimesNow report, Netflix could not afford to bring the two biggest stars Ranbir and Alia under one roof. The source states that a substantial amount has been dedicated to getting stars on the show every week. But it was not enough for Alia and Ranbir both.
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