Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: The TV show starring Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, and Garvita Sadhwani continues to captivate audiences’ hearts. Among all the actors, who has grabbed maximum attention is the talented Samridhii, portraying the character of Abhira. Notably, besides being a fantastic actor, she is also a renowned dubbing artist. Recently, Samridhii dubbed for Triptii Dimri’s role in the English version of Animal for Netflix. In an exclusive conversation, Samridhii opened up about her professional aspirations, which go beyond acting, and how, despite many people’s insistence, she never confined herself to one artistic field.
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Samridhii Shukla opens up about her professional aspirations and it’s just not limited to acting
When asked if she is eyeing any other career options in the entertainment industry apart from acting, Samridhii Shukla said, “My focus right now is acting because when you work for television, it doesn’t leave you with any time to focus on other things. Other than that, I have many dreams. I want to write a book, I want to do a podcast, I want to start a YouTube channel. There are so many things which I want to do. I write poems too, can recite them. I can also sing well”
The actress further added, “These are my creative outlets. You know, I have always been a person who can’t be put in a box. Everyone is like, ‘be specific, pick one thing and make it your niche.’ And I am like, ‘I know I am a complicated creative person.’ I love being chaotic, and hopefully, I will love to host someday. I have already hosted a small segment during my last show. So I would like to do a lot of things, but right now, the entire focus is on acting as I really don’t have any time to explore other stuff.”
Here’s a video of Pranali Rathod’s bold look below:
Talking about Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, after Shehzada Dhami and Pratiksha Honmukhe‘s exit, there has been a significant dip in TRP, and the makers are trying hard to regain momentum with the TRP numbers.
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