It has been a year since we saw Shah Rukh Khan on the big screen. The superstar’s last theatrical release was Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. The year 2023 was when the superstar made a smashing comeback and his other two movies, Pathaan and Jawan, ruled the box office. Since then, fans have been waiting to know when he will start working on his next. The actor had confirmed that he will be doing the movie King next. Now we have a major update on the same.
Shah Rukh Khan, Siddharth Anand to reunite?
After giving a blockbuster together at the box office with Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan and Siddharth Anand are all set to join hands again. If you are thinking it is for Pathaan 2, well no. To all our entertainment news readers, we would like to inform you that SRK and Siddharth will now collaborate for the movie King. Earlier, Badla director Sujoy Ghosh was supposed to direct the film. However, it is not happening anymore.
A source told Pinkvilla that the prep for the action entertainer has been underway for 6 months now. So far, Siddharth and his team have done several recces at different locations worldwide as they want to deliver an exceptional actioner with the superstar. The movie is all set to go on floors next year.
So is Sujoy Ghosh completely out of the film? The answer is no. Ghosh has written the story with Siddharth Anand, Suresh Nair, and Sagar Pandya. Abbas Tyrewala will pen the dialogue for SRK’s next. A source informed me, “It’s the most explosive action written for a Hindi film. SRK and Sid plan to shoot action blocks of King all across the globe, and they have already done recce for the same at several virgin locations.”
Watch a video on Shah Rukh Khan
Shah Rukh Khan and the Pathaan director are quite happy to collaborate again. The schedule of King is said to be of 6-7 months and the makers aim to release the film in 2026. The action scenes will be quite grand and are said to be a treat for the superstar’s fans. Along with SRK, the film also stars Abhishek Bachchan and Suhana Khan. Reportedly, an A-lister actress will be cast with SRK and the announcement will be made soon.
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