Every time Shah Rukh Khan makes a public appearance, he captivates us by simply being himself. On December 19, the superstar attended the Ambani School Annual Day event in Mumbai. He was accompanied by Gauri Khan and Suhana Khan. A lot of videos and photos from the event have gone viral on social media. SRK looked charming as ever in his new hairstyle, making us all swoon over his handsome looks.
SRK’s phone wallpaper revealed
As we mentioned, a lot of videos and photos from the annual day event are going viral on social media. The Khans were there to cheer their munchkin AbRam, who had participated in the annual day function. Amidst all this, one thing that caught some fans’ attention is Shah Rukh Khan’s phone wallpaper. A fan zoomed in to his phone to find out that his wallpaper features someone from his family member.
To all our entertainment news readers, we would like to inform you that SRK’s phone wallpaper is of his son, AbRam Khan. It’s a cute picture of his son where he’s looking at the camera. It seems like the Jawan actor himself has taken the photo. The wallpaper and the original photo were shared by the superstar’s fanclub on social media platform X.
Check out the post below:
his phone wallpaper!! ?? pic.twitter.com/9oitosZujT
— Renu (@srkvibe) December 20, 2024
Meanwhile, fans are in awe of SRK’s video from the annual day function, where he gets emotional when the kids perform a song from Swades. He was also enjoying the mashup of Dua Lipa’s Levitating X Woh Ladki Jo song from Badshaah.
Watch a video on Shah Rukh Khan
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan will be next seen in Sujoy Ghosh’s King, in which he plays a deadly assassin. The thriller also stars Abhishek Bachchan and Suhana Khan. SRK will get back into spy mode for YRF’s Pathaan 2. It is a sequel to his 2023 blockbuster Pathaan.
Stay tuned to BollywoodLife for the latest scoops and updates from Bollywood, Hollywood, South, TV and Web-Series.
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