Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has been one of the most talked about TV serials. The show began in 2020 and has been amongst the top five shows on the TRP charts. It has always given a tough fight to Rupali Ganguly’s Anupamaa. However, post the big leap in the second generation story, we saw Shakti Arora leaving the show. Bhavika Sharma was then paired opposite Hitesh Bharadwaj. However, the new story of Savi and Rajat won hearts. But soon, the TRPs went down. We have seen that the show is not doing as it was before. Hence, it seems the makers have planned some big twists in the story.
Sheezan Khan to play THIS role in the show
Yes, it was recently reported that Sheezan Khan has entered the show. We had seen in the recent episodes that a mysterious man was closely keeping a watch on Savi. A man approaches a police inspector, handing over Savi Virat Chauhan’s photograph to get detailed information about her. We then see a man saying that he will confront Savi with questions he has been seeking answers to for eight years.
Now, fans have been confused about Sheezan Khan’s role in the serial. As per reports in India Forums, Sheezan Khan will play the role of Anubhav who is Savi’s college friend. We will see his entry in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin will bring in many twists and turns in the story.
Some reports also say that Sheezan will enter as the new love interest for Savi and it seems there will be new twists in her and Rajat’s life. We recently saw fans gushing around Savi and Rajat’s emotional reunion in the show. Rajat managed to save Savi’s life and the sequence came out really beautiful.
It was one of the best scenes for the show and fans could not stop praising the actors for their performances.
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