Shiv Shakti-Tap Tyaag Taandav actress Subha Rajput has apparently called off her engagement with actor Vibhav Roy. It has always been stated that relationships, especially in the entertainment industry, are fragile. Amidst all the glitter, glamour, fame, and money, it sometimes becomes difficult for a relationship to survive, and often we have seen relationships, even of many years, end, which has surprised many people. As per recent reports, another relationship which seems to have been called off is that of actress Subha Rajput and actor Vibhav Roy.
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Subha Rajput calls off her engagement with actor Vibhav Roy?
Subha plays the role of Goddess Shakti in Colors’ show Shiv Shakti-Tap Tyaag Taandav, whereas Vibhav Roy is seen in the thriller TV series Shaitani Rasmein. The duo have been in a relationship for a long time. The couple got engaged in December 2022. As per a recent report of TOI, Vibhav and Subha mutually decided to call off their engagement. The duo realized that at this point in time they want different things from life. The same report further suggested that although the decision was quite tough for both of them, they decided to move forward with it anyway. As per the same publication, Subha responded to the separation rumours and stated that she doesn’t wish to comment on her personal life.
Subha Rajput, Vibhav Roy’s love story
Both Subha and Vibhav met on the sets of the web series Pyaar Ishq Rent in 2019. They started off as friends and eventually began dating. Vibhav Roy made his television debut with Gustakh Dil while Subha gained wider recognition for her role in the Nakul Mehtra starrer show Ishqbaaz.
The fact that both of them have deleted the engagement pictures from their respective social media handles adds more fuel to the fire that the couple has parted ways. While one wonders what went wrong between the couple, there has been no official confirmation about the separation rumours from both of the actors.
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