Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth got engaged just a couple of days ago. The actress and the actor surprised everyone by posting a picture with rings on their fingers. Siddharth and Aditi’s fans are very happy about their engagement. And in a recent interaction, Siddharth opened up on his engagement, the moment Aditi said yes to him and also talked about the wedding date. Siddharth also reacted to their very hush-hush engagement ceremony as well.
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Siddharth opens up on his engagement with Heeramandi actress Aditi Rao Hydari
Galatta Golden Stars event was held recently wherein Siddharth opened up on his engagement ceremony. The actor shares that many asked him about his ‘secret’ engagement. However, he likes to call it a private engagement. Siddharth says those who were not invited felt that it was a secret thing but those who were invited knew that it was a private affair for him and Aditi Rao Hydari. The Rang De Basanti actor shares there’s a big difference between doing something privately with family and in secret.
Siddharth also talked about the moment Aditi Rao Hydari said yes
The Chithha actor shares that people should not ask how long did it take for Aditi to say yes. He emphasizes that the end result should matter, that is, whether it is a yes or a no, pass or fail. He then shares, “I was worried whether it would be a yes, luckily I passed.”
Siddharth talks about his and Aditi Rao Hydari’s wedding date
It seems Siddarth was also asked about the wedding date. The actor shares that it is for the elders to decide. He says that it is not like a shooting date which he can decide on. The Takkar actor says it is a lifetime date and will happen at the right time which is when the elders decide they should get married.
Watch the video of Aditi and Siddharth from Chithha screening here:
Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari worked with each other on Maha Samudram. They fell in love with each other on set it seems. They sparked off dating rumours when they shared a reel of the Tum Tum song. Their dates were also adding fuel to the fire.
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