Soha Ali Khan’s latest Eid post is grabbing eyeballs due to she cropping Kareena Kapoor Khan’s face from the one the family pictures. In the post you can see Soha has first shared Bebo’s picture along with her brother Saif Ali Khan and sister Saba Ali Khan. But in the third picture she cropped Bebo’s face which grabbed everyone’s attention . The netizens are reacting strongly over Soha cropping the picture and calling it an insult of Bebo. Kareena and Soha share a great bond but they often aren’t seen hanging out with each other, and this latest incident of Soha cropping Bebo’s face has started the chatter of typical Bhabhi -Nanad vibes.
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Checkout the post of Soha Ali Khan celebrating Eid with Kareena Kapoor Khan and brother Saif Ali Khan
In this picture you can see how Soha Ali Khan has managed to fit every family member and friends in the post. But cropping Bebo’s face is something that has stole the attention and how. Having said that Soha often heaps praise for Kareena Kapoor Khan and she is in awe of how she is a hands on mother and handles her personal and professional life so well.
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s bindi on the Eid celebration becomes the topic of discussion
Another thing that has grabbed attention is how Bebo has donned a bindi on the Eid celebration. There are many who are questioning why did she wore a bindi on the outfits usually she doesn’t. Kareena is one of the most popular celebrities in the tinsel town and her marriage life with Saif often make headlines due to several reasons.
Here’s a video of Kareena Kapoor Khan and her family below:
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