SS Rajamouli is currently in Japan along with his son SS Karthikeya, the filmmaker shared an update on experiencing an earthquake in the country. RRR star son Karthikeya took to his social media account and mentioned how they were on the 28th floor of the building and felt the freaking earthquake. “Felt a freaking earthquake in Japan just now!!! Was on the 28th floor and slowly the ground started to move and took us a while to realise it was an earthquake. I was just about to panic but all the Japanese around did not budge as if it just started to rain!! Experience an earthquake box ticked.”. He tagged his father in the same message.
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As Karthikeya dropped the news of facing a scary earthquake, fans expressed their concern and mentioned they were glad to know about them being safe.
Felt a freaking earthquake in Japan just now!!!
Was on the 28th floor and slowly the ground started to move and took us a while to realise it was an earthquake. I was just about to panic but all the Japanese around did not budge as if it just started to rain!! ?????… pic.twitter.com/7rXhrWSx3D— S S Karthikeya (@ssk1122) March 21, 2024
SS Rajamouli was in Japan for the special screening of his film RRR which was released in 2022. The filmmaker has been visiting every corner of the country to promote his full that is a global phenomenon today. SS Rajamouli too had dropped his pictures from the special visits in Japan and revealed his fans are in awe of RRR and expressed his gratitude.
In Japan, they make origami cranes &gift them to their loved ones for good luck& health. This 83yr old woman made 1000 of them to bless us because RRR made her happy. She just sent the gift and was waiting outside in the cold.?
Some gestures can never be repaid.
Just grateful?? pic.twitter.com/UTGks2djDw— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) March 18, 2024
SS Rajamouli will be making his best film SSMB29 along with Mahesh Babu and has even begun the prep for his most awaited film.
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