
Veteran actor Dharmendra seems to be in a legal trouble. As per latest reports, the actor has been summoned by Delhi Court in a cheating case. The case is said to be related to his Garam Dharam Dhaba. As per reports, a complaint was filed against the actor and two others by a Delhi Businessman named Sushil Kumar. He alleged that he was persuaded to invest in the franchise of the Dhaba under false pretences. Now, reportedly, the magistrate judge from Delhi Court has legally summoned the actor in the case.

Dharmendra in legal trouble?

Reportedly, the summons have been issued by Judicial Magistrate (First Class) Yashdeep Chahal. Actor Dharmendra who is also known as the He-Man of Bollywood, has been instructed to appear before court along with the other two for further proceedings. As per the reports, the court passed the summon on December 5. While issuing summons, the judge reportedly said, “The evidence on record prima facie indicates that the accused persons induced the complainant in furtherance of their common intent and the ingredients of offence of cheating are duly disclosed.” The order further read, “Accordingly, let the accused persons at serial number 1 (Dharam Singh Deol), 2 and 3 be summoned for the commission of offences under section 420, 120B read with section 34 IPC. Let the accused persons at serial no. 2 and 3 be also summoned for the offence of criminal intimidation under section 506 of IPC.” Reportedly, the next hearing in this case is scheduled for February 20, 2025.

As per reports, the court has mentioned that at the summoning stage, the job is only to check if there is a basic case to proceed. It has been clarified that the transaction involved in Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise and that it was handled by the co-accused on behalf of Dharam Singh Deol. A report in India.com reveals that in 2020, the court had rejected the request to file an FIR in this case. Reportedly the complainant was promised 7 percent profit over his Rs 41 lakh investment for a Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise. Emails were exchanged and a letter of intent was also signed. However, after the initial payment, the respondents failed to begin work and that led to the complaint.

Recently, Dharmendra celebrated his 89th birthday. The veteran cut cake with fans and media, with sons Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol being by his side.


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