Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma tied the knot in March this year. Their nuptials happened on March 2, 2024 in a dreamy locale in Rajasthan. They had been dating for 13 long years. But their love story had its low phases, and it is not what you expect. Karan Sharma is an entrepreneur while Surbhi Chandna turned to acting after planning to an MBA. The actress has spoken about how she had to step out in their relationship when things went rough. Here is what happened.
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When Karan Sharma suggested that they end their relationship
In an interview with Instant Bollywood, Surbhi Chandna said that around seven to eight years ago, they had hit a bad phase in their relationship. It seems Karan Sharma was facing a number of challenges at his workplace. He told the actress that it is better that they break up, and he felt that he had no time or energy to give to their relationship. Surbhi Chandna said that she felt this was no reason to end their affair. She said none of them had cheated nor did they have a dirty fight. She said she felt it was time she stepped up and contributed more to their lives.
Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma’s love story
Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma first met through their mothers. It seems he had come home from London and his parents celebrated his birthday on a big scale. The actress attended the function with her mother. She was pursuing her MBA then and did not think of a career in acting at all. While Karan and she did not speak then, he did interact with her the next day. It slowly paved the way for their relationship.
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