Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has been in the news since a long time. Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal who played Mrs Roshan Sodhi had accused producer Asit Kumarr Modi, Sohil Ramani and Jatin Ramani of sexual harassment. She had filed an FIR against them for mental and sexual harassment. It was a big shock for everyone after Jennifer revealed these things. She had shared that they only gave importance to the males and the females were treated badly. She even revealed many things that Asit Kumarr Modi had said. Her case has been on-going since a long time. She had filed the FIR last year in March and left the show.
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The actress has finally got some relief. The verdict of the case has come out. She has been asking for help from the Mumbai Police but did not get any relief and hence she asked help from The Government of Maharashtra. The formation of the Local Complaints Committee helped her and the verdict is finally out.
Asit Kumar Modi was found guilty within four months under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act of 2013. Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal confirmed the news to Etimes.
Watch a video of TMKOC actress Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal’s video here
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