Laughter Chefs is one of the most popular cooking reality show that has managed to keep audiences hooked to the screens with their plot. Season 1 of the show was a grand success and the makers managed to impress their fans as they...
Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla are one of the most adored couples of the TV world. In the past, Abhinav has earned a lot of love for being such a helpful and respectful husband. The couple are now parenting two twin baby girls,...
Rubina Dilaik is a new mother to twins Edhaa and Jeeva. The actress welcomed two daughters with Abhinav Shukla in November 2023. The actress has since then been sharing her journey in a new podcast video or vodcast called Kisine Bataya Nahi: The...
Rubina Dilaik is a mother to two twins. The Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki actress has been managing parental duties and also shooting at the same. Rubina welcomed baby girls with Abhinav Shukla in November last year. The duo announced the birth of...