Actress Tirrtha, renowned for her portrayal of Yesu Vahini in the film Swatantrya Veer Savarkar, recently shared her behind-the-scenes experiences and character reflections. In addition to discussing memorable moments on set, Tirrtha explored the film's contemporary relevance and offered insights into the rewarding...
This past Friday, we saw movies directed by two actors, Kunal Kemmu and Randeep Hooda releasing in cinemas. We are talking about Madgaon Express and Swatantrya Veer Savarkar. Both films are quite contrasting in nature, one is a comedy movie while the other...
This week at cinemas, we saw two starkly different movies releasing, that being, Madgaon Express and Swatantrya Veer Savarkar. The first one is an out-and-out comedy movie while the second one is a biographical drama movie based on the freedom fighter of India....
The special screening of Ankita Lokhande and Randeep Hooda's upcoming film "Swantantrya Veer Savarkar" was held in Mumbai, watch the video to know more.
Randeep Hooda and Ankita Lokhande starrer Swatantrya Veer Savarkar is in the news. There has been a lot said about the movie. The trailer of the film had impressed everyone and people were eagerly waiting to see the film. The film has Bigg...