Former Indian cricket team batter Vinod Kambli said that he was thankful to childhood friend Sachin Tendulkar for his blessings after the former had to be admitted to a hospital following a deterioration in his health. Kambli was struggled with health issues in the recent past and he was taken to the hospital by a fan. Medical examinations revealed clots in his brain but latest updates suggested that he was doing better. Kambli, who played 17 Tests and 104 ODIs for India between 1993-2000, recently attended the inauguration of legendary coach Ramakant Achrekar’s memorial at the Shivaji Park. During the event, he met Sachin and both of them shared an emotional moment.
“I am feeling better now…I will never leave this (cricket) because I remember the number of centuries and double centuries I have hit…We are three left-handers in the family. I am thankful to Sachin Tendulkar as his blessings have always been with me…,” Kambli told ANI.
#WATCH | Maharashtra: Former Indian Cricketer Vinod Kambli says, “I am feeling better now…I will never leave this (cricket) because I remember the number of centuries and double centuries I have hit…We are three left-handers in the family. I am thankful to Sachin Tendulkar as… https://t.co/ZQsUuVV1pO pic.twitter.com/Xj8UQbAgmQ
— ANI (@ANI) December 24, 2024
After a series of examinations the medical team supervising him at Akruti Hospital in Thane found clots in his brain, Dr. Vivek Trivedi informed. Kambli’s health is being constantly monitored and the team will carry out additional medical examinations on Tuesday, the doctor said.
Trivedi also said hospital in-charge S Singh has decided to provide life-long free treatment to Kambli at his medical facility.
Earlier, Kambli also opened up on his health struggles. The 52-year-old is doing ‘better’ but suffered a health scare about a month back.
Kambli revealed that he is battling a urine infection, but his wife and kids stood with him like a rock and helped him get back on his feet. He added that former India all-rounder Ajay Jadeja came to see him.
“I am better now. My wife takes care of me a lot. She took me to 3 different hospitals and told me ‘You have to get fit’. Ajay Jadeja also came to visit me. It felt nice. I was suffering from a urine problem. It was just flowing. My son, Jesus Cristiano, picked me up and brought me back to my feet. My daughter, who is 10 years old, and my wife came to help me. This happened one month ago. My head started spinning; I collapsed and fell down. The doctor told me to get admitted,” Kambli told Vickey Lalwani on YouTube.
(With agency inputs)
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