Katrina Kaif was offered a role in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan starring Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff in the lead role. Ali Abbas Zafar who has shared a great bond with the actress since his Mere Brother Ki Dulhan days revealed in an interview that his Kat was his forest choice to play one of the leading ladies but she rejected the role due to other work commitments and date issues. Talking about his and Katrina’s bond, Ali told News 18,” She couldn’t do our film because she was busy with something else. I just hope that she keeps her dates free for my next film”.
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Ali even mentioned that Katrina and his conversation always starts with complaints about the actress and why he didn’t cast her in his films, and even this time he approached her but she had no dates.
Adding further in the same interview Ali hailed Katrina as an actress and said that she is an unexplored actress and had a lot of potential in her. Giving an example of his films be it Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, Tiger Zinda Hai, and more, Ali said that Katrina Kaif has never disappointed as an actor and he only wishes to work with her very soon.
Katrina Kaif is one of the most loved leading ladies in Tinsel Town and she was last seen in Merry Christmas where everyone raved about her acting skills but the film failed to perform at the box office. Katrina Kaif hasn’t yet announced her upcoming releases and fans are eagerly waiting for her to announce the same.
On the other hand, Katrina Kaif’s personal life often made headlines ever since she got married to Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal and there has been constant speculation about her pregnancy but the couple has never bothered to react to it.
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