Ramayana is one film that is always in the news. Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi and Yash are coming together for the Nitesh Tiwari movie, which is an adaptation of the epic. While Alia Bhatt was supposed to pair with Ranbir Kapoor in the Nitesh Tiwari movie, finally it was Sai Pallavi who bagged the part. This is the actress’ big debut in Bollywood. She is also paired with Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan for a love story with a scientific backdrop. Now, news is coming about the remuneration of the stars, and her fee has got a massive hike for the movie.
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Massive jump in fees for Sai Pallavi for Ramayana
As per a report in Koimoi, Sai Pallavi will be paid Rs two to three crores for the film. It is being said that she will get around Rs 6 crores for the mythological movie. This means, she will be paid to Rs 18 to 20 crores for the film. On the other hand, Yash will be charging around Rs 50 crores per film. This means, he will pocket Rs 150 cr0res in total. But Ramayana is going to be a massive money-spinner for Ranbir Kapoor. He will make Rs 75 crores, and Rs 225 crores in total.
Ramayana first pics leaked from the sets
Ramayana pics have been leaked from the sets. We saw images of Lara Dutta as Kaikeyi while Arun Govil is playing the role of Dashrath. Now, the makers have decided to tighten up things. Govil said that he is confident that Nitesh Tiwari will make a dignified version of the Ramayana. He said that he is a very hard-working person. Ranbir Kapoor was paid Rs 25 crores for Brahmastra while he will be paid Rs 75 crores for Ramayana.
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