Ranveer Singh is all set to embrace fatherhood and ever since Deepika Padukone broke the news of expecting g their first child, fans of DeepVeer are super thrilled and cannot wait for September month. Ranveer and Deepika attended the wedding ceremonies of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant after sharing the announcement of the baby’s arrival and every celebrity who was present there congratulated the soon-to-be parents. In fact, a video of Radhika Merchant mentioning Ranveer going to become a father grabbed a lot of eyeballs.
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An insider who was present at the wedding reveals how Ranveer Singh was quite impressed with the way Ranbir Kapoor was fulfilling all the father’s responsibilities. In fact, they both bonded quite well over fatherhood. The insider reveals,” Ranveer and Ranbir Kapoor get along extremely well and they both made heads turn by appearing on Karan Johar’s show Koffee With Karan together. Even at the pre-wedding event of Radhika and Anant, Ranveer and Ranbir were seen sitting with each other where the Simba star was congratulated by him over fatherhood and they spoke about babies and just babies. Ranveer was impressed with the way how Ranbir had taken a good leave after the arrival of Raha Kapoor”.
Watch the video of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone.
And looks like now the Singham Again actor is inspired by Ranbir as reports are doing the round of the actor taking a paternity break. As per reports, Ranveer is taking an extended leave and prep for the baby’s arrival,” Deepika had already cleared the decks. She had gradually eased out of all work and was getting ready for a long paternity leave. Ranveer had no other assignments ready to go on the floor. He has now decided not to take any interim assignments before ‘Don 3’, ‘Shaktimaan’, and Aditya Dhar’s action films start next year. He will be spending time with Deepika and the baby,” a source told Zoom.
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