Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan are an iconic couple, no matter what the chatter is around them, their relationship has been intact. This one old video of Amitabh Bachchan from Kaun Banega Crorepati has been grabbing attention as the megastar speaks about the real reason behind his marriage with Jaya and how he never proposed to her. In the video, you can see the veteran actor narrating the story of how he and Jaya spoke about how if Zanjeer will be hit they will get married.
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Watch the video of Amitabh Bachchan revealing how he got married to Jaya Bachchan
Big B had Kriti Sanon as his special guest on the show where he revealed to her how he got married to Jaya Bachchan,” I had never proposed to her, and I will tell you why. We were doing so many films together and when Zanjeer happened, we decided to get married, but the real thing was that we wanted to go to London as I and Jaya both had never been there, so the film worked and I went home and told my father that I am going London for a vacation and he asked who all are going, to which I told him even Jaya is coming with his, he strictly said that if Jaya is also coming then you guys get married and go and that’s how he gave the Panditji 500 rs and got us married”.
Watch the video of Amitabh Bachchan n greeting his fans
Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan have been married for 50 years and this year on June 3, they will celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary together, indeed they almost spent a lifetime together.
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