Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is once again making news after she dropped a birthday wish for her late father Krishnaraj Rai a day after her sister-in-law Shweta Bachchan’s 50th birthday. The Ponniyin Selvan actress took to her Instagram and remembered her late father by posting pictures of him along with her mom Vrinda Rai and daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. The post of Aishwarya is winning hearts and the fans are hailing her for being such a family girl and giving all her qualities. Many netizens noticed that Aishwarya didn’t wish her sister-in-law just a day before but took to her Instagram and dropped the wish for her late father.
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Checkout the post of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for her late father
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan often makes headlines for the alleged ongoing right between her and Shweta Bachchan and these incidents only add fuel to the fire. It was Shweta’s birthday on March 17, and her brother and Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan dropped a heartwarming wish for his sister and mentioned she means the world to him. Netizens picked the Ghoomer star for his dry wish for his wife Aishwarya on her 50th as he simply shared a throwback picture and wrote ‘Happy Birthday’.
In the post, you can see how Aaradhya is extremely close to her Nani and her Nana. Aishwarya also shared a throwback picture of Aaradhya with her late father where the little one is seen giving a peck on her grandpa’s checks. Indeed the kid is adorable and unbreakable.
Coming to Aishwarya avoiding wishing Shweta on social media, during Ash’s 50th birthday, the latter too ignored wishing her on social media.
Watch the video of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
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