Bigg Boss season 18 is witnessing high drama and fights among contestants. The latest Bigg Boss 18 has left fans shocked with anticipation as a massive fight took place between Rajat Dalal and Karan Veer Mehra. The makers have shared the promo on their social media page wherein Bigg Boss assigned them a unique task. The task required contestants to perform specific actions on earn other to earn points.
The task aimed to test the patience of the contestants. Well, during the task Karan declared that he would trim Rajat’s beard as part of the task. Rajat lost his calm and was visibly comforted. Karan forcefully went ahead with his plan and started trimming parts of Rajat’s beard. Other housemates looked shocked. Rajat tried to keep calm at the start but eventually got angry. He lashed out at Karan as he said, ‘Mera jitna cut hua hai, utna karunga. Agli baari meri aayegi toh dekh lena’.
Watch Bigg Boss 18 latest video promo
Jab gend mein nahi tha guda toh bich mein kyu kooda @KaranVeerMehra #RajatDalal #BiggBoss18 pic.twitter.com/GqwKsFethj
— ????? (@irl_darth) December 30, 2024
Well, the tension reached its peak when Rajat got his turn during the task. He grabbed a bucket of mud and threw it on Karan’s face. Karan said, ‘Tere jaise 2 aage, 2 piche aur 2 vanity ke bahar rakhta hun’. The fight took an ugly turn when the two got into a verbal attack. Other housemates tried to stop them, but their fight got even more intense which raised the tension levels inside the house. Some contestants felt that Rajat’s reaction was excessive, while others felt that Karan crossed the line by forcefully trimming his beard.
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