Veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu has grabbed eyeballs due to chaos in his Hyderabad home on Tuesday. His younger son Manoj attempted to enter the house, while a video journalist was covering the story and was allegedly attacked. Manoj tried to forcefully enter the house and got pushed out by private security personnel. Mohan Babu was seen hitting a video journalist, who was covering the story with a microphone. As per reports, the video journalist suffered injuries.
Mohan Babu’s family feud
The family feud news came out in the open on Monday, after the veteran actor lodged a police complaint as he accused his son Manoj and his wife of assault and plan to take possession of his Jalpally home. Meanwhile, Manoj told reporters on Tuesday that he was not fighting for a share in the property, but for his self-respect. He even revealed that he requested police protection for himself and his family and also met a senior police official over the issue. In a social media post, Manoj called these allegations made against him by his father baseless and false. Mohan Babu’s elder son Vishnu said that their family issues would be resolved. Well, Manoj and others were earlier booked by the police after Mohan Babu’s complaint.
‘On Manoj’s invitation, we entered the premises. As soon as we entered, Mohan Babu and his bouncers surged towards us. Mohan Babu initially greeted us with folded hands but immediately took the hand mike from the reporter and beat him up. The bouncers also started beating us with sticks and chased us away’, said a reporter from another TV channel. The couple complained of a threat to their lives from Mohan Babu and requested senior officials to ensure safety. Mohan Babu’s three children, Lakshmi Prasanna, Vishnu, and Manoj are into acting.
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