Agastya Nanda had appeared on sister Navya Nanda‘s talk show along with his mom Shweta Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan for the first time, and the boy was lauded for being very articulate and respectful. The Archies actor one video is right now going viral where he is seen upfront calling his Nani Jaya Bachchan and mom Shweta Bachchan the hardest people when Navya mentioned how if ever Agastya dated any girl she would have to go through the three women of his life and she said she would be the easiest. To which Shweta says, would she? Agastya calls Jaya Bachchan the hardest pointing out at her, to which she becomes shocked and questions him, ‘Am I the hardest?’.
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Watch the video when Agastya Nanda ranked Jaya Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan hardest people to accept a girl in his life
Agastya then explains that he has spent maximum time with all of them so he feels Jaya is the hardest and his mom is number 2 and then comes Navya. He adds that how they are very judgmental and are watered versions of each other, who love to have opinions about people thinking they are 100 percent perfect.
As the video goes viral, netizens share their point of view and pity Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. One user commenetd on teh video and said, “Agaatya couldn’t control he has experience lol … he just went hardest!! Jaya seems a meanie… scary to deal with them”. Another said, “Wow ! No wonder Ash ran away”. One user said, “Poor Ash”.
Lately, there has been lots of chatter about the feud among the Bachchans and it is said that Shweta and Aishwarya aren’t on talking terms. However, the Bachchan ladies have never addressed these baseless speculations around them.
Watch the video of Jaya Bachchan
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