Priyanka Chopra and Shah Rukh Khan’s alleged affair used to grab a lot of attention once upon a time. There were times when the actress was directly and indirectly questioned about the Jawan star. And this constant rumour affected their friendship and today they are not very cordial like they used to be. There was a time when Priyanka and Shah Rukh both stopped to talk about each other in public because they didn’t want the constant conversation about their alleged affair making headlines. This old video of Priyanka Chopra attending a press conference has been going viral where he very bluntly shuts down the journalist for indirectly questioning her about Shah Rukh Khan.
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Watch the video of Priyanka Chopra shutting down a journalist over questioning her about Shah Rukh Khan
There was a time when Priyanka Chopra couldn’t stop blushing when she heard Shah Rukh Khan’s name but things changed dramatically. In the video, you can see Priyanka consciously avoiding questions on SRK and reprimanding the journalist by asking if he wants her to take names so that Tamasha (drama) will be created. Priyanka added that how she is not taking any names and will only continue to smile when asked about him.
Priyanka in her latest interview spoke about facing bullying and was cornered where Kangana Ranaut came out in support of her and claimed she was outset by Karan Johar who asked people to not work with her due to her closeness with Shah Rukh Khan. Priyanka has come a long way and she is the only diva who has managed to make a successful career in Hollywood as well. Priyanka is married to Hollywood singer Nick Jonas and is blessed with a daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas.
Watch the video of Shah Rukh Khan
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