Yodha has had a bumper start at the box office on day one. Sidharth Malhotra‘s film made more numbers than predicted, the trade experts claimed that the film might earn 3.5 to 4 crore, but it has collected 4.25 crore. Yodha received rave reviews from the audience and they couldn’t stop raving about how good the film is. Sidharth Malhotra’s Yodha was compared with Shershaah and during the release of the film on OTT, many expressed disappointment on why the film didn’t release in the theatres and it would have done exceptionally well, and Yodha is the answer to it.
The action never stops and neither does our Yodha!?
Experience the thrills on the big screen, book your tickets now –
BMS – https://t.co/UkCnuOTzkk
Amazon – https://t.co/Qg1ltQzTtx
Paytm – https://t.co/LZUiCPBd7C#Yodha in cinemas now. #KaranJohar @apoorvamehta18… pic.twitter.com/CB0z6n22bu— Dharma Productions (@DharmaMovies) March 16, 2024
Sidharth Malhotra is once again riding high in success with Yodha and has proved his mettle as a young action hero. Yodha is predicted to have phenomenal growth in the weekend and the numbers might double at the box office due to good word of mouth.
Watch the video interview of Sidharth Malhotra
Shaitan and Bastar: The Naxal Story fail to stop Yodha
Yodha will fly high and the first-day figures say it all, Shaitaan is doing well at the box office but it might see a dip due to Yodha. But nothing is predictable at the box office. But the one thing that Sidharth has proved is he is slowly becoming the bankable star in the younger lot.
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